The Final Lectures
Number 3
Dr. Donald McGavran
In this
lecture we shall ask whether biblical soundness and spiritual renewal will
automatically reap ripe harvest fields.
It is at this precise point that many go astray. It is exactly here that we need careful

The last
quarter of the twentieth century is seeing many movements toward renewal and
many emphases on biblical soundness.
These are occurring in all six continents among all Branches of the
Universal Church, both those with whose theology we agree and those with whose
theology we disagree. The charismatic
movement, which for many decades was limited to the Pentecostals, has now
spread to denominations as separate as the Roman Catholic, Episcopalian,
Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist.
As I was
preparing this lecture, I received a request from the editor of a new
denominational journal called Disciple Renewal
to write an article for that paper. The
editor and a group of ministers of the million-member Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) felt that that denomination as a whole needed a renewal
movement in every state of the union.
Their magazine was going to furnish one of the means for initiating,
spreading and supporting such a movement.
In the great
United Methodist denomination a considerable number of congregations, feeling
that the Board of Global Ministries was not sufficiently biblical and Spirit-filled,
started a new missionary organization called The Mission Society for United
Methodists. Presbyterians of both the
former southern Presbyterian Church and northern Presbyterian Church have
pulled out of those denominations and formed the Presbyterian Church of
America, which claims to be a much sounder denomination. In the 1940’s many withdrew from the Northern
Baptist Church to form the Conservative Baptist denomination. Many of us are constantly in touch with
renewal movements of one sort and another.
Often these
movements are within an existing denomination and intend to remain so. Often they split off to found new Branches of
the Church, more orthodox or more Spirit-filled. Such movements are not limited to the United
States. They go on in all countries of
the world. Dr. David Barrett, author of
the World Christian Encyclopedia,
tells us that there are now 20,800 denominations in the world. Many of these have arisen out of renewal
movements that no longer felt comfortable in their old denominations.
We must not
let the fact that such multiplication of denominations seems questionable keep
us from realizing that such movements are continually going on and are usually
animated by the best motives.
The Necessity of Biblical Soundness
and Spiritual Renewal
Let us all
be certain that biblical soundness and spiritual renewal are highly
necessary. Congregations and
denominations do unfortunately, in some cases at least, grow cold. Under the impact of some new spurt of
scholarship they become biblically unsound.
They become so respectable, well organized, and academic that they
attract only certain members of certain sections of the general
population. Their congregations become
sealed off and unreproductive. When the
original members of such congregations move to the city or to the suburbs, the
congregations do not attract the somewhat different kinds of people who have
now moved into their places. Frequently
congregations and whole denominations become static and non-growing.
While I was
speaking in some of the large cities of western Canada, I became aware that the
strong Mennonite congregations in the farming communities were losing many of
their younger members to the cities.
These young, well educated Mennonite men and women would move to the
cities away from the farm, get urban jobs of one sort and another, and find
themselves many miles from the nearest Mennonite congregation. Often believing that “We are Mennonites,”
they would continue to remain members of a far-off country church. Often they would lapse into nominal
Christianity. Had the rural Mennonite
congregation been fully biblical and had they been spiritually renewed, they
would have made every effort to multiply Mennonite congregations in the
cities. They had many good starts, but
they did not develop them. They would
have shepherded not only scattered Mennonites but also won many of the secular
nominally Christian and indeed pagan women and men who now live in all cities
of North America and brought them to fervent belief in the Lord. The Mennonites were not biblically sound
enough or spiritually filled enough to do this.
Their experience is, alas, a common experience in too many
Renewal Often Concentrates on
Existing Christians
“Until the
existing Christians become much more biblically sound and Spirit-filled than
they now are, we must be concerned not with winning others but with reviving
the saints.” Believing this firmly in
many places, renewal limits itself to existing Christians. This process is understandable and
reasonable. Existing congregations must
become sounder, must know more of the Bible, and must live more ardently
Christian lives. Indeed, some Christians
stridently maintain that until the Church is purged of many of its nominal
members, it can neither be the true church nor win others to the true Christian
faith. One of the notable criticisms of
the church growth movement has been that what the church needs is not growth
but a clearing out of many members who “belong to a church but have no real
faith in Christ.”
We are
speaking of the dual nature of biblical soundness and spiritual renewal. We certainly do and ought to motivate
congregations and denominations to bring their present membership into a more
ardent and doctrinally correct Christian life.
This is what most sermons aim at.
All Paul’s letters are written to existing Christians and urge them to a
deeper and more genuine Christian life.
One aspect of biblical soundness and spiritual renewal certainly
requires this.
However, we
must look at the other side of biblical soundness and spiritual renewal. If anyone is really in Christ, if Christ does
dwell in his heart through faith, he, like Christ, will look on fields white to
harvest and work to bring in many sheaves.
No one can be truly biblically sound and spiritually renewed without
being tremendously concerned about the multitudes of unreached men and women
and, indeed, of unreached segments of society.
It is impossible for anybody to be really in Christ, really full of the
Holy Spirit, without doing what the 120 did on the Day of Pentecost. They rushed out and told everyone they met
about Jesus and urged them to become His followers. They spoke to Jews from fifteen different
countries in addition to those living in Jerusalem. They added 3,000 to the
church in one day.
When anyone
gives his life entirely to Christ, he does what Paul did. He devotes himself to multiplying churches in
other segments of the population. He
notes the segments of society in his neighborhood which is unchurched. He looks at the 70-75% of the American
population which is not in Christ. He
notes that they are in many cases highly winnable. He lifts up his eyes and looks on the fields
and sees that many of them are white to harvest. He hurries off to get his sickle and rope and
bind up sheaves and carry them back to the master’s barn. He notes that 3 billion today and 4 billion
tomorrow of the world’s population are not Christians in any sense, and he
resolves to do his part to bring them to salvation.
Men and
women who are biblically sound and spiritually renewed will certainly live
genuinely Christian lives. They will
also demonstrate that the genuine Christian life is always concerned with and
works at bringing God’s lost children back to the Father’s house. The dual nature of biblical soundness and
spiritual renewal guarantees that vital Christians will not focus on one
segment only. They seek to be biblically
sound in regard to bringing in the sheaves and spiritually renewed in regard to
multiplying churches.
Only a Growing Congregation is Fully
Sound and Fully Renewed
biblical soundness and spiritual renewal require activity on both
fronts—Christians must become more moral and devout, and they must become
more effective harvesters. Here
again we must see what happened on the Day of Pentecost. The 120 had been meeting in secret. They had been afraid that, like their Master,
they would be persecuted and indeed killed by the Jews. But when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they
went public in a very big way. They
rushed out into the streets. They
started telling people that Jesus Christ was not dead. God had raised Him from the dead, and they
all ought to become His followers. The
account in chapter 2 of Acts is certainly clear that all of them started
speaking to everybody on the streets of Jerusalem. Normally retiring men spoke boldly to anyone
they met. Modest and even timid women
started to tell those they met about Jesus.
They were imparting great good news.
They were telling others of the way of salvation. They were sharing the most important news
they had ever received. All of
them—women and men, leaders and follower, extroverts and introverts—all stopped
anyone they met and said excitedly to him or her, “Let me tell you of the most
important thing that has happened in many years. Have you heard the amazing good news? This is something you absolutely must
hear. I know you’re busy, but you will
never forgive yourself if you do not stop and listen.”
Indeed, so
unusual was this exited communication that many of those to whom they spoke
exclaimed, “We must not take all this excitement too seriously. These people have simply drunk too much. They are talking nonsense.”
When a vast
crowd, perhaps 10,000 men and women, had gathered, Peter spoke to them the
message recorded in Acts. Many of the
crowd were deeply touched and exclaimed, “What must we then do?” Peter replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ. Be baptized and become His
confessed followers.”
It is not
necessary to believe that 100% biblical soundness and spiritual renewal issue
in an exact duplication of these events.
These events were suited to the situation in ancient Jerusalem seven
weeks after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.
But biblical soundness and spiritual renewal will never lead to
Christians making no effort whatever to communicate the faith and saying
comfortable, “That is the business of the pastor and Billy Graham.”
Let me give
you an example of what happened in far-off India fifty-two years ago. In the Town of Yot’mal, a small Free
Methodist congregation had been formed.
It was being addressed by a notable preacher. His words carried great conviction. The members were filled with the Holy
Spirit. In addition to forgiving each
other and manifesting an utterly new warmth and reality of Christian life they
felt that they must communicate the gospel to other people. So the whole congregation, men and women,
every evening at five o’clock would assemble just outside the county court
house. As the hundreds who worked there
were leaving for home, they saw women and men singing Christ’s praises ad
telling about the Lord Jesus and the way of salvation.
The clerks,
lawyers, and government officials working in the court house had never heard
anything like this before. They
clustered around each group of Christians, listening to what they had to
say. They all agreed that these
Christians had had a very remarkable experience. They were impressed by what they heard. After fifteen or twenty minutes the
Christians said, “We will be back tomorrow to tell you more.” These meetings every evening continued for
over a month. But none of the listeners
confessed Christ and become Christians at that time in that part of India. Such a step was to them unthinkable.
the crowds grew smaller and smaller. The
Christians came to feel that they had done their part, and the proclamation on
the court house steps ceased. Pentecost
had come and gone without any conversions.
The sound and renewed Christians had spoken to the wrong audience.
Then one of
the Christians, perhaps more deeply moved than the others, resolved to go from
village to village in the country district surrounding the town. Every night as the villagers gathered before
they went to bed, he would tell them of the Lord Jesus. They listened with great interest, but there
were no conversions for more than a month.
Then he came to a village near which coal had been discovered and a mining
operation was in progress. The miners
were members of a caste which, 200 miles to the south, had become largely
Christian. Becoming Christians has been
very good for them. They have built
churches and are living renewed lives.
This is truly good news. We too
will become followers of the Lord Jesus.”
Several new congregations were established.
In short,
those who would proclaim Jesus Christ must not only proclaim but must proclaim
intelligently. They must distinguish
between fields ripe to harvest and fields which are yet unplowed or are yet
green. World evangelization or the
effective discipling of unreached segments of society, populations in the
Carolinas, must be an intelligent operation, not a blind one. We are to pray the Lord of the harvest to
send laborers into ripe fields.
The world is
full of ripe fields. It is also full of
many unripe fields and many which have not even been plowed. Biblically sound and revived Christians must
act intelligently. They must seek God’s
guidance and go to the ripe fields. It
is only out of ripe fields that they can bring in one sheaf a minute.
We must not
limit renewal and revival to care of existing Christians. This truth bears restatement. It is so easy for revival to concern itself
chiefly with the people who are already in the church building. They form the close community in which
everybody know everybody else. It is
among members of this community that love, justice, brotherhood, and
forgiveness are most easily exercised.
To be sure, revival must begin with existing Christians. Renewal started in the 120 gathered in the
upper room, but the revival did not end there.
Revivals must reach out to multitudes of other people. They must multiply worshiping congregations
in other segments of society.

That command
needs to be obeyed by all faculties and student bodies in divinity schools and,
indeed, all Christians in all lands. We
must reach out and be all things to all men in order to win some.
A full
infilling of the Holy Spirit and full biblical obedience will always be deeply
concerned that the unsaved hear and obey the gospel.
If we are to
be biblically sound, we must reach out to the unsaved. We must discern ripe harvest fields. We must motivate ourselves and the members of
our churches to recognize the unsaved and to tell them of the way to
salvation. E must recognize that the
greatest danger facing practicing Christians is to practice their Christianity
among themselves, to tell the good news to those who come to their church, and
to be unconcerned about those who do not.
Some years
ago when I was speaking at a church growth seminar held in an Ohio town, one of
the influential ministers in the town said to me, “I shall attend the seminar,
but I am not really convinced that it is needed. Surely we have plenty of churches in this
town, and every church is very cordial to all those who come. Most churches indeed will see that visitors
are called upon by either the minister or by members of the evangelistic
committee. We do not need to increase
the number of congregations in this town.
There are too many already.”
preparation for the opening session I spent the next two days in assembling
some data—the population of the town, the number of churches, the seating
capacity of each. At the first session
of the seminar, without referring to this minister at all, I said, “In this
town you have 30,000 residents. There
are 61 churches. Less than 6,000 men and
women are to be found in these churches on
Sunday; 24,000 will not be in church. Granted that church members number somewhat more than 6,000, it nevertheless seems perfectly clear that at least half and possibly two-thirds of the people in this town have yet to become genuine followers of Christ. This is the reason why you should emphasize church growth.”
Sunday; 24,000 will not be in church. Granted that church members number somewhat more than 6,000, it nevertheless seems perfectly clear that at least half and possibly two-thirds of the people in this town have yet to become genuine followers of Christ. This is the reason why you should emphasize church growth.”
Revival and
doctrinal soundness must not be limited to the 6,000 who will be in church on
Sunday. It must begin there, to be sure,
but it must reach out to the 24,000.
They are also God’s children.
Conversion Growth Essential
reason why biblical soundness and spiritual renewal many times do not bring
church growth is that seminaries, ministers and lay leaders seldom realize that
no amount of biological growth and transfer growth will carry out the Great
All growth
of the church may be divided into three categories—biological, transfer and
conversion. By biological church growth
we mean that children of existing Christians come to have Christian faith
because they were born into Christian families, went to church as children,
came to believe on Christ as children, were later then baptized or confirmed,
and became responsible members of living congregations. To be sure, they had yielded themselves to
Christ and had come to know a great deal of the Bible. But this was a gradual process. Since such growth plays no part in winning
the unreached to Christ, we place it in a special category—biological growth.
The second
kind of growth is transfer growth.
Christians from Atlanta move to Durham and join Durham
congregations. Alas, since many
Christians are lost in transit, transfer—while adding to Durham
congregations—causes considerable loss to the denomination as a whole.
The third
kind of church growth is conversion growth.
This is growth which results from the winning of the lost. These may be nominal or lapsed Christians or
secularists, agnostics and atheists.
They may also be Muslims, Hindus, Jews or other non-Christians. When doctrinal soundness and spiritual
renewal win the lost, multiply new congregations in unchurched populations, and
effectively evangelize the unreached, then they carry out God’s continuing
purpose to find and fold lost sheep.
Too often
ministers and lay leaders and professors in theological seminaries as well,
limit their expectations to growth from biological and transfer sources. Let me assure you that biological and
transfer growth is important. I
reemphasize this. Nevertheless, it
remains true that until there is conversion growth as defined above, the
astronomical numbers of the unreached remain very largely unreached.
In short, doctrinal soundness and spiritual
renewal must always aim at substantial numbers of conversions from the
unreached. Any congregation,
denomination, or divinity school which would be true to the biblical
imperatives must insist that full doctrinal soundness by itself impels Christians
to seek the lost, to evangelize the unreached, to multiply congregations among
the unchurched, and to engage continually in planned, prayer-supported, and
effective world evangelization. All
those concerned with spiritual renewal should make doubly sure that spiritual
renewal does not limit itself to revivifying of the already saved. Spiritual renewal must send waves of the
renewed out to search for the lost. Otherwise, it is only partial renewal.
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