Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do You Understand The Spirit World

Do you understand the Spirit world? Believe it or not you are interacting with it every day and it is probably having a bigger impact on you, your family, your work and your worlds than you ever imagined.

Have you ever considered that some of the difficulties you may be having in your life may not be just hard luck or unfortunate circumstances but may actually be a direct attack of Satan and his demons on your life?

Dr. Larry Richards, Christianity's most prolific author, and a long time friend, educator, and researcher has written and researched the Spirit World including angels, demonic forces and he makes his research and writing available to any Christian interested in living triumphantly.

Check out his website at www.demondope.com for an abundance of personal helps, Bible Studies and tools for preaching. Also check out the series of Biblically sound novels in the Invisible War Series.

I've personally read a couple of them and they are the kind you start and can't put down variety full of good narrative and great lessons.

Also check with him through his website if you would like him to come to your church and lead a Freedom Workshop. In this 6-8 hour experience he will guide your congregation on how to recognize the work of the enemy and wage a successful battle against all the forces of darkness.
Your church will never be the same. Once you begin to recognize the "schemes" of the enemy, his undermining of your church, its members and its ministry will be brought to a screeching halt.

We had Dr Richards here in Southern California to teach a course on the Spirit World and conduct the Freedom Workshop and it was the most amazing time you could ever imagine. We saw shackled Christians who had been under the siege of the enemy delivered and transformed.

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