Saturday, October 9, 2010

4 In The Fire

Heard an old Southern Gospel song last week and it took me to Daniels account of those 3 Hebrew children and their unwillingness to bow down to the idol at the risk of their own lives.
We all know that four were seen in the fire and that when the King saw the fourth he recognized the Son Of Man and ordered the 3 out of the furnace.
Here's a thought. Why did the fourth man stay in the fire?
The reality is He's still there for you and I when we go through our own fiery trials.
The good news of the gospel is that He has promised never to leave or forsake us no matter how dire our circumstance may be.
Stop looking down and worrying about how you'll make it through. Look up and you'll see the man called Jesus and He'll take you through whatever you are going through.
Keep on, keeping on!

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